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Intro to American Sign Language | Six Week Series

The Common Market 7th Street 927 West 7th Street, Frederick, MD, United States

This class is designed to introduce students to the culture and language of Deaf people by learning basic American Sign Language. Students will work towards gaining fluency towards the usage and communication of ASL by acquiring vocabulary, and understanding of the language with the goal of improving interactions with the large Deaf population in the […]

Intro to Cyanotypes: Historical Photographic Process

The Common Market 7th Street 927 West 7th Street, Frederick, MD, United States

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to cyanotype, a historical alternative photography process popularized by 19th century botanist Anna Atkins. Attendees will gain an understanding of the historical photographic process, make an artistic composition and walk away with three unique works of art! Produce and flowers from Common Market, that would otherwise be discarded, […]

$40.00 – $60.00

Eating for Health & the Planet | Making the Switch to a Climate-Friendly Diet [FREE]

The Common Market 7th Street 927 West 7th Street, Frederick, MD, United States

Studies show that just by eating more plant foods and fewer animal products each of us has the power to make a big difference for the climate and for our health. If you have been thinking about switching to a more plant-based diet, but aren’t sure how, join us for this fun and informative talk […]
