Directory Below you will find the staff directory with names and contact emails. Andie Ball Front End Manager, Rt. 85 Blair Barnes HR Manager Jeff Dean Information Systems Manager Román Diaz General Manager Nick Fitzpatrick Store Manager, 7th Street Amanda Harmon Education & Events Coordinator Vondele Jackson Grocery Manager, 7th Street Cody Justison Produce Manager, 7th Street Patrick Kajale Grocery & Wellness Manager, Rt. 85 Harrison Kent Front End Manager, 7th Street Sarah Lebherz Chief Financial Officer Mike Leveille Fresh Foods Category Manager Sue Leveille HR Recruiter Eric Moshier Cafe Manager, 7th Street Kevin Ozag Cafe Manager, Rt. 85 Ana Palacios Wellness Manager, 7th Street Dennis Pick Store Manager, Rt.85 Brayden Plunkard Produce Manager, Rt. 85 Susan Schulman Marketing & Communications Manager Grace Scott Assistant Store Manager, Rt. 85 Troy Sexton Senior Category Manager Jason Sweadner Meat & Seafood Manager, 7th Street